Hunting by the Moon - The Week YOU Need to Be in the Woods

Posted by: Mike Willand
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Much has been written over the course of the last two decades about moon phases and its affect on deer movement. So much in fact, that it can be difficult as a hunter to dissect truth from fiction. We’re going to try and clear the air a little and give you the only piece of information you really need to know while following the moon – when to take a week off work!

In the latest edition of Deer and Deer Hunting magazine Dr. Charles Alsheimer predicts a better rut than last year’s dismal array of empty woodlots where hunters eagerly awaited the chasing they never encountered. The reason being as Alsheimer explains, 2010 had an “abnormally late rutting moon”.

However, the 2011 deer season is filled with hope after hearing Alsheimer’s recent forecast for a better rutting year. The second full moon (referred to as the rutting moon) occurring after this fall’s equinox will land on November 10th and jump start the female deer’s estrous cycle right in the middle of the typical seeking and chasing phase of the rut for much of  U.S. north of the 38th latitude.

Dr. Charles Alsheimer has been studying wild and fenced deer alongside Dr. Wayne Laroche (who first recognized rutting behavior and moon phases) for more than twenty years. During that time they’ve discovered the moon’s influence on deer movement, concentrating much of their efforts on the breeding season. What they’ve found is that anytime the rutting moon takes place November 1st - 12th an intense rut typically occurs as long as rut suppressors, like warmer weather and higher doe ratios, do not hinder it.

Alsheimer predicts the best week to be in stand for a northern hunter is November 10th – 18th. This is a hunter’s best chance to witness the woods coming alive with the sounds of rutting whitetail. It may be your best time to score on that buck of a lifetime.

We’ve included the next four months of lunar tables below to help you prepare this season’s hunting/work schedule.  As a suggestion you may want to bookmark this page.

Prepare yourselves for an intense rut and plan your next hunt accordingly. Good luck!

sept moon calendar


october moon calendar


november moon phases calendar


december moon calendar


1 Comment on "Hunting by the Moon - The Week YOU Need to Be in the Woods"

Re: Hunting by the Moon - The Week YOU Need to Be in the Woods


Posted by J.HOLLADAY on 4/17/2012 10:44:08 AM

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